
Physiotherapist in Viman Nagar


Electrotherapy is the application of an electric current to the affected area of the body to accelerate healing and reduce swelling and pain. Electrotherapy is used by our experienced physiotherapists at Physio.co.uk to treat a variety of conditions.
At Impact Clinic, our physiotherapists use different types of electrotherapies including:


Ultrasound is an electrotherapy that promotes healing and reduces inflammation at a cellular level. An ultrasound machine creates mechanical sound waves that produce energy, which when they enter the skin cause micro vibrations in the cells improving tissue healing and reducing pain. Ultrasound treatment can be used for a wide range of conditions and will help:

  • Promote tissue healing
  • Improve quality of repair
  • Decrease pain

Ligaments, tendons, fascia, joint capsules and scar tissue contain large amounts of collagen and therefore absorb the ultrasound better and benefit from this type of treatment. The physiotherapists at Impact Clinic may use ultrasound to treat your condition.


IFT which stands for Interferential Therapy is one of the types of electrotherapies used for the management of pain. The principle of interferential therapy is to cause two medium frequency currents of slightly different frequencies to interfere with one another. It is basically used for the treatment of Chronic, Post Traumatic, and Post-surgical pains. The major advantage of IFT is that it produces effects in the tissue, exactly where required without unnecessary and uncomfortable skin stimulation. This technique is widely used to elicit muscle contraction and promote healing.

Muscles Stimulator

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a type of electrotherapy stimulates a muscle contraction using electrical impulses in order strengthen weak muscles, reduce swelling, relieve pain and help heal wounds.

At Impact Clinic, we also use EMS in the treatment of neurological conditions such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Cerebral Palsy to decrease spasticity and help maintain muscle strength for as long as possible.

Traction Therapy for Cervical and Lumbar

A traction is a treatment option that is based on the application of a longitudinal force to the axis of the spinal column. In other words, parts of the spinal column are pulled in opposite directions to stabilize or change the position of damaged aspects of the spine. The force is usually applied to the skull through a series of weights or a fixation device and requires that the patient is either kept in bed or placed in a halo vest. Traction is a manual technique designed to reduce pressure on affected vertebral discs that are causing pain. Traction is a manual ‘stretching’ of the spine which reduces pressure on the discs and therefore reduces the individual’s pain.

Traction is a technique used to stretch soft tissues and separate joint surfaces or bone fragments using a pulling force. The force applied must be of sufficient magnitude and duration in the proper direction while resisting movement of the body with an equal and opposite force. People with specific spinal conditions benefit from this therapy and is most commonly used to treat:

  • Slipped discs
  • Facet disease
  • Sciatica
  • Pinched nerves
  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Lumbar Spondylosis


Short wave diathermy (SWD) is a heating device that can produce heating even in the deeper tissues of our body helping instant relief from muscular and joint pain. SWD treatment is part of physiotherapy which uses electromagnetic wave to produce heating in deep tissues for back pain, knee pain and other joint pain. SWD is used to treat musculoskeletal pain like knee pain, low back, upper back pain by using electromagnetic waves.